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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor
The Neo-Fascist War in the Ukraine

Back in 1776, one of the most important, one of the holiest of all documents created on North American soil, The Declaration of Independence, declared the fundamental right of all people everywhere to select for themselves the best and most suitable government they wish.

As The Declaration of Independence tells us, (back in the 1700's, when this was written), the American Colonies were suffering the fruits of rapine, pillage, torture, and murder at the hands of their "legitimately constituted Government", Great Britain.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

As the Declaration of Independence goes on to specify, they did much, and suffered even more, to prevent the War of Independence that ultimately took the lives of thousands and thousands on both sides.

Unfortunately, the British turned a deaf ear to the appeals of the colonists, and as a result, they were compelled by necessity to separate themselves from the British Crown.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare,

That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
(The Declaration of Independence, 1776)

This fundamental doctrine has been at the cornerstone of American democratic freedom - that a people, any people, have the right to decide for themselves what kind of government they wish to have; and that when any person, place, thing, government, principality, or power seeks to deny them this freedom, then the rights and liberties of the Entire Free World are at risk.

In the 1940's, Nazi Fascism threatened mankind.  To help in the defense of all mankind the free world banded together to fight, die, and ultimately defeat this fascist threat.

Again and again mankind has been called upon to respect, protect, and defend people who would be holden under the yoke of tyrannical and despotic governments.  Again and again mankind has been asked to "mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor" in the defense of democratic ideals the world over.

And so it is in the Ukraine.

Here we have a government who, daily, makes a disgrace of everything we hold dear.
They have:
  • Openly declared themselves Neo-Fascists and have openly repudiated any claim to decency or democratic government.
  • Engaged in horrible repression and "ethnic cleansing" of anyone who is not, (in their opinion), a "pure Ukrainian".
  • Committed horrific human atrocities, torture, and death upon anyone who dares contradict their atrocious ways.
    • It is a matter of open public record that they have, on several occasions, herded scores of people into buildings, locked all the windows and doors, and then set the buildings ablaze; roasting alive everyone inside.  Gangs of thugs surrounded the buildings with the sole purpose of clubbing to death anyone who might - by the grace of God - escape the terrible blaze within.
  • They have utterly refused to recognize the right of simple existence to anyone who dares speak any language but Ukrainian within their borders.
  • They have actually and literally outlawed the existence of any other ethnic groups within Ukrainian borders.
  • It is a tradition, not unlike our own, that veterans of the Second World War occasionally present themselves in the uniform of their service, wearing whatever medals and honors they earned, as a token of respect and honor for those that died in the service of all mankind.
    • In the Ukraine, anyone who does that nowadays is either jailed, clubbed, tortured, or killed.  Aged veterans of the Second World War have been driven from their homes, had their property and possessions pillaged and burned, and if they didn't manage to escape with the clothes on their backs, they paid the ultimate price at the hands of the generations that they fought and bled to defend.

About a year or so ago, back when this all began, the people of the Crimean peninsula were horrified at what the so-called "government" in Kiev was doing.  They decided - in the grand and noble tradition of self-government - to have nothing more to do with those self-serving Neo-Fascist thugs who claimed the right to govern them.

As a result, they decided to divorce themselves from the Fascist government in Kiev.

Almost exactly a year ago today, they held an open, public, and internationally supervised referendum to decide if they wanted to remain with the Ukraine, become an independent and self-governing country, or join Russia.  The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of joining the Russian Federation.  It wasn't coerced, it wasn't forced, and it was supervised and sanctioned by a number of neutral, third-party nations who verified the legitimacy, honesty, and fairness of the electoral process.

The people in the Eastern Ukraine faced the same problems.  They were being harassed, discriminated against, tortured, and brutally murdered - all in the name of "ethnic cleansing".  And, like their Crimean brethren, they decided that they needed to separate themselves from the Neo-Fascists in Kiev.

And what was their reward?

The "government" in Kiev declared them "terrorists", and waged a war of aggression on them.

These people are mostly miners, farmers, and simple tradespeople.  There was not one single case of their performing even one single act of terrorism.  In fact, if the badge of "terrorist" is to be hung on anyone, it should be hung on the people of the Ukraine, for they, they themselves, burned, pillaged, tortured, raped, and murdered anyone who fell into their grasp.

They did not distinguish between man, woman or child.  Neither age nor gender stayed their hand.  They did not discriminate between hospital, school, kindergarten, or church.  They deliberately shelled, bombed, burned, and destroyed entire residential districts - bombing high-rise apartment buildings and private homes to the ground - in an attempt to beat these people into submission.

And, like every tyrant before them, like every fascist regime in the past, they have failed.  They have failed to beat into submission people who wish to be free.  They have failed to beat into submission a people who were willing to fight, even die, to protect those freedoms that we, ourselves, have declared to be "self-evident".

It's time we remember that fundamental promise we made to the world more than 200 years ago:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

And why not?

Jim (JR)

How to Fry Successfully
The Finer Points of Frying Food

In today's health-conscious society, the idea of "fried" food has gotten a lot of bad press.  According to the health-pundits out there, it's responsible for every kind of ill ranging from heart attacks and strokes, all the way to ingrown toenails.

And frying's bad press is well deserved, primarily because people have lost touch with the proper way to fry foods.  Properly done, frying is no more, or less, healthy than many other ways of cooking - and if the research is any guide, it's probably healthier than the back-yard cookout!

What's wrong with frying?  Simple.  People have forgotten exactly how to properly fry food.  Done right, it's a great way to cook.  Done wrong and it's an invitation for disaster.

So, what are the issues that have caused frying to get such bad press?
  • Frying is a skill, that requires both patience and practice.  It's a lot like making bread.  You can't just toss some stuff in a pot and then go watch TV.
  • Frying requires you to pay attention to what you're doing.  Again, it's not like throwing something in the microwave.  If you don't have the time or patience to supervise what you're cooking, you should not try to fry foods.  (Actually, you probably should not be cooking at all. . .)
  • Frying requires you to pay attention to the details.  Time, temperature, materials, are all important.

So, what are the finer points of frying that you need to know?
  • The most important point is that you have to have both the time and patience to supervise foods you are frying.  Done right, frying can be a delicious way to cook.  Done wrong, and you can have a disaster, (literally!), on your hands.
  • Since frying has to be done in HOT oil, you need an oil that will not break-down at 400-or-so degrees.  This counts out most vegetable oils, (except for, maybe, peanut oil).  Shortening used to be popular because it would not begin to scorch and decompose at the high temperatures needed for frying.  It got a bad rep., because people didn't cook at a high enough temperature and it soaked in.
  • Like I said before, in order to successfully fry, the oil has to be HOT.  One of the biggest problems with frying today is that people do not heat the oil nearly hot enough.  This causes the oil to soak into the food instead of cooking it.  Ergo, frying's bad reputation for being "greasy".  If it's greasy, the oil wasn't hot enough.
  • Not only does the oil have to be hot, there has to be enough oil to substantially cover the food.  Pan frying, (as in "fried chicken", etc.), has the oil depth about 1/3 to 1/2 the thickness of the chicken. you''re frying.
  • Because the frying oil has to be HOT, you have to pay attention to the temperature.  Too cold, and the food will be greasy.  Too hot, and you could have an oil-fire on your hands. (Always a bad idea, in my opinion.)
  •  You have to be careful.  You don't want to be spilling boiling oil all over yourself.  That includes having a lid that fits the pan properly, since you don't want to have oil spattering all over.
If you're interested in learning the techniques of frying food, there are things you can do to help ensure success.
  • The best thing is to either take a class at a local college, or find someone who is already expert at this art to help you learn.
  • Read up on the subject.  Both your local library, as well as the Internet, are your friends.
  • Practice, and don't be afraid to have an occasional bad batch.  Even fancy French chefs burn food occasionally.
  • If you're just learning, the "buddy system" will be helpful.  In other words, don't try to do this alone!  Have someone around who can help you with heavy pans, watch over things if you need to make a run to the bathroom, and such.

Bottom line:
Don't be afraid of frying.  Just don't take it for granted.

What say ye?

Jim (JR)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Better DEAD than RED!
Are automatic traffic enforcement technologies legal?

Nope, I'm not trying to start the Cold War up again; the Radical Right is doing a good enough job of that.

What I do want to discuss is the use of, (and the ethics of), automatic traffic enforcement technology.

Before I go on with this topic, I want to make it perfectly clear that neither I, nor any other law abiding citizen, can sanely oppose the just, proper, and legal enforcement of traffic safety laws.

What bothers me, and where I do have issues, is with the use of traffic citations for reasons other than maintaining the public safety.  More particularly, I strongly object to the use of a jurisdiction's traffic laws simply as a way to generate revenue.

Back when I first heard of automatic "red light" cameras and tickets, I had serious issues with that concept and it really raised the hair on the back of my neck.

  • First of all, I had, (and have), serious issues with the concept of a machine generated summons.  Knowing full well how fallible even the best, most well trained and highly conscientious police officers can be, I was, (and still am), especially suspicious of some impersonal machine's decision about my guilt or innocence.
  • When issued a summons, "notice of violation", or whatever you call it, I (supposedly), have the right to face my accuser.  How am I going to do that?  Climb to the top of a pole somewhere at the corner of Fifth and Main?  Or as Ohio state representative Ron Maag said: “You are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.  With red-light cameras, you are guilty until proven innocent. ... You are not able to face your accuser because your accuser is a machine." 1
  • In almost all of the cases, the person reviewing the video isn't a police officer.  Instead it's usually an employee of the company that has been contracted to install and maintain the equipment.  Since the company gets a significant percentage of the fines received, there is a very strong incentive to issue the maximum number of violations possible.  And as far as I am concerned, that blows the whole concept of "due process" right out of the water.
  • Even if the person reviewing the video and issuing the citations is an actual police officer, how do I, (or how can he), know that what he is seeing is the actual violation?  In other words, how can they absolutely guarantee that the sensor that triggered the camera, and the camera recording the supposed violation, are pointing at the same thing?
  • How can I tell if the motives are just and proper, or are simply a way to increase revenue?
    (i.e.  Is it a "real" violation, or just a revenue-grubbing ambush?)

Apparently I am not alone in my questions about the legitimacy and legality of automated traffic enforcement cameras.
  • The April 4th issue of The Palm Beach Post ran a story about a judge in Boynton Beach who tossed out some two hundred-odd automated "red light" camera citations, citing serious due-process issues2
  • The same article also mentioned an earlier ruling where an appeals judge in Huntington Beach tossed out several hundred automated tickets, citing the same issues.
  • Broward County judges tossed twenty four thousand automated ticket citations, worth millions of dollars, claiming that they "broke Florida law." 3
  • On June 13th, 2014, the Florida Supreme Court vacated the convictions of drivers who received machine generated citations issued before July of 2010, and directed the municipalities to refund all collected fines. 4
All across the state, judges are looking at these machine generated summonses with greater care, and they are not hesitating to toss out cases that they feel are tainted - and in many cases they are issuing "standing orders" that automatically dismiss machine generated violations.  As a result, many jurisdictions in Florida have abandoned the use of these machines to avoid any additional cost or liability.

It's not just Florida who is looking askance at this technology.
  • New Jersey's "red light" cameras were squashed and dozens of tickets were thrown out when it was determined that they had not been properly calibrated. 5
  • The state of Ohio banned automated traffic enforcement cameras after it was revealed that municipalities were "overusing them to generate profits." 6
  • In November, 2013, a Missouri appellate court ruled that most of the red-light camera laws in the state were invalid. As a result, Kansas City and other municipalities were forced to suspend their red-light camera ticketing programs. 7
  • The city of St. Peters, Mi., has decided not to renew its contract with RedFlex, the company who sold them their automated traffic enforcement system, effective July 2015. 8
The "why" of the mad rush to use automated traffic enforcement equipment isn't hard to come by.
  • An editorial published in The Palm Beach Post on April 2nd, 2015, accused the companies selling the equipment of "counting on municipalities becoming too addicted to red-light revenues"  to ever think of stopping.
  • The same editorial called "unconscionable" the fact that "[t]he Florida Department of Transportation and state municipalities shortened the yellow light intervals across the state by fractions of a second, resulting in more red-light camera tickets and millions more dollars in fines."
  • In Ohio, during the legislative debate prior to passing the automated traffic enforcement camera ban, State Representative Alicia Reece was quoted as saying “The village of Elmwood (Place) issued 6,000 tickets in 30 days at $105 a pop [that's $630,000 per month, or potentially $7,500,000 in additional revenue annually!] ... with 40 percent of the revenue, [$3,000,000!], going to a company that is not located in Ohio.  Folks don’t even want to go to church because they don’t want to drive through the village." 1  Ouch!  And that's just the revenue from one small village!

We spend hard-earned dollars on the taxes and fees that support our municipalities and their police forces.  I think it's time for our law enforcement efforts to be spent actually fighting crime, instead of being dissipated on shameful money-grubbing technologies and techniques.

What say ye?

Jim (JR)

[1]  Ohio House passes bill to ban red-light, speed cameras
[2]  Judge dismisses 200 Boynton Beach red-light camera cases
[3]  Broward judges dismiss 24,000 red-light camera cases
[4]  Supreme Court rejects red-light camera tickets prior to 2010
[5]  Poorly Timed Cameras Bring N.J. Ticket Program To A Halt
[6]  Red Light Camera Ban Passed In Ohio
[7]  Most Red-Light Camera Laws in Mo. Are Invalid
[8]  St. Peters Red Light Photo Enforcement Program