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Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Shadow Knows!

This posting was inspired by an e-mail thread with a friend of mine.  This individual was unhappy with the fact that this blog does not, (did not - I've changed it), allow anonymous comments.

Far be it from me to stand on my soap-box, perched precariously atop my Ivory Tower, and send thunderbolts from on high to smite the mere mortals gathered below to worship me.  [ ;-) ]  Since this appears to be an issue - I figured that maybe this was something that I should post up here and open for discussion.

My other blog, QA Tech-Tips, allows anonymous comments by default.  So far the QA Tech-Tips blog has not gained enough traction to attract spam-bots yet.  So, anonymous comments are not really an issue.

However, this blog didn't allow anonymous comments - and I did that for several reasons:
  • The spam-burden from registering for these blogs is de-minimus, if my own experience is any indicator.  I have not seen an increase in the level of spam-mail since signing up and creating these blogs.
  • This blog can be, (and should be), controversial.  It seems to me that requiring people that post to have some kind of an identity - be it only an avatar - would help promote sane and respectful debate.  Especially since blog comments are absolutely not moderated at all.
  • I hope that this blog gains more traction than the QA Tech-Tips blog did.  If and when it does, both trolls and spam-bots could become a real issue.
  • The ranking, rating and ultimate visibility of this blog is strongly influenced by the number of registered users who both view and participate, as well as the number of "followers" that this blog has.  (Hint! Hint!)
  • And the biggest reason of all:  I forgot to check and adjust the blog settings when I set this blog up!
Because this seems to be an issue that bears discussion, I have allowed - at least for the time being - anonymous comments.

I am opening this issue for comments, anonymous or otherwise, with the following two questions asked:
  1. Why not sign up?  (That is, what issue or issues prevent you from wanting to do so.)
  2. What benefits - if any - would this blog see if anonymous comments were made a permanent feature of this blog?
Bottom line:
I would like all the readers of this blog to vote by commenting below, either yes or no, to the question "Should this blog allow anonymous comments?"  Of course, you can vote anonymously if you should so wish.  (chuckle!)

What say ye?


1 comment:

  1. I wish that this blog benefits more grip than the QA Tech-Tips blog did. If and when it does, both trolls and spammers could become a actual problem. I would suggest you that keep sticking it.



Thanks for sharing your thoughts here at Jim Speaks Out!

Due to the potential for comment spam leading to undesirable locations, I am no longer able to allow embedded hyperlinks in replies to posts..

Since Blogger does not allow me to edit comments to remove the hyperlinks, (which, IMHO, is a stupid and pissy rule), and since I cannot filter against them at the time the reply is made, posts that contain hyperlinks will be deleted, regardless of how relevant the content may be. If you want your comment to be visible to others, don't include hyperlinks to other sites!

Thank you for understanding.