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Monday, April 18, 2011

What I believe.  (At least in part)

One of the things I have been re-assessing is precisely where I stand personally, morally and politically.  If I’m going to have a soap-box, I’d darn well better know where I’m standing when I get up on it.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that I am probably a lot more “conservative” than people might think.

Of course my definition of “conservative” may not jibe very well with the definitions held by Rush Limburger or Pat Robbingson.  And no, if you disagree with me, or do something other than what I might suggest, you are *NOT* “un-saved” and you are *NOT* going to hell as a result of it.  Regardless of what your – or someone else’s – pastor may say about it.

First of all:  I believe in my absolute and total liberty in Jesus Christ.  I also believe in my absolute and total responsibility for the things that I do.  “All things may be lawful, but they are not all expedient.”

Second:  I believe that a rule should “lay flat” and apply to everyone equally, or apply to none at all.

I believe that the various rules and laws should apply to everyone in equal measure – be they individuals, businesses, or governments – everyone should be playing by the same rules.  Be they black, white, red, yellow, orange, blue, purple, or polka-dotted.  Regardless of their race, creed, color, gender, or sexual orientation.  Regardless of their being rich, poor, or somewhere in between.  Rules should apply to everyone in equal measure – and if they cannot do that, then they should be repealed.

For example, if the government is going to give trillions of dollars to Bank of America to bail them out – Bank of America should not be allowed to turn around and slit the throat of people who are being crushed by the economic down-turn by foreclosing their houses out from under them – and then gloat over the “record profits” they claim to have.  If Uncle Sam is going to toss trillions of dollars at Bank of America, General Motors, Goldman-Sachs, and God Only Knows Who Else – then I believe I have a right to expect that Uncle Sam will throw gobs and gobs of money my way to bail out my own turkey ass as well.

I believe that both Governments and Businesses have a moral responsibility toward the “little people” who support them.  It is morally, (and should be legally), a crime for some company to, actually and literally, impoverish an entire city or town by moving all the jobs to Sri-Lanka in the name of increasing their already obscene profits.  And if they DO want to do that – as is their right – then the government should exercise its right to withhold perks, credits, tax incentives, bail-outs, and other government money they may be expecting.  Or demand an immediate refund – plus interest – at the bank's own obscene Credit-Card rates, of course!

I absolutely oppose things like “gun control” for the same reasons.  The Constitution grants us the right to “keep and bear arms”.  It doesn’t say anything about what kind of arms, how they should be “kept” or “born”, or whether you agree, disagree or just don’t give a damn.  It simply says we have that right.  Period.  This reminds me of a sign that I saw when I was working at Gull:  It said “Perform exactly like the specification, or get the specification officially changed.”

The other side of that is this:  If, while “bearing arms” you commit a violent crime using those arms – be it a mugging, a robbery, rape, or whatever – the law should come down on you like a ton of brick.  Period.

I believe that we, as members of human-kind and as citizens of this country, have the right to expect to be treated graciously, reasonably, and with respect.  I also believe that as members of human-kind and as citizens of this country, we have the unflinching responsibility to treat others in that exact same way.

Sadly, neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are on the same page with me.

What say ye?



  1. 1. While I understand the "apparent logic" of saying the same set of rules should apply to everyone, and while it may seem from a Christian point of view that such thinking reflects Gods way of dealing with people, I beg to differ. While scripture does seem to set down one set of rules for everyone, the whole lesson of grace dictates that such a system of law (more specifically "one size fits all" law) is an obsolete system, placed on us humans for a time, so we could hopefully realize we needed a better system. The liberty you speak of, in Christ, does mean you will get private counseling from God on what is right (or wrong) for YOU. You should not presume your rules 'custom fit' rules should apply to everyone.

    2. I think the constitution is great, but it is neither the bible nor God's words. In the matter of bearing arms, I strongly disagree... As a simple example, despite what the constitution says, anyone anywhere should NOT be permitted to "bear" a portable atomic missile launcher, nor a laser capable of cutting people in half from a mile away, should such a thing be made available tomorrow at "survivalofthefittest.com"

  2. Randy,

    Re: "One Size Fits All" rules.

    Agreed. No matter how a rule may try to lay flat, there will always be one or two wrinkles in it.

    What I oppose - and the point I am trying to make - is that there shouldn't be two entirely disparate sets of rules, one favoring the rich and one screwing the poor, any more than there should be two sets of rules based on skin color.

    For example, BoA gets trillions of dollars from the US government to prevent it from (ahem!) going bankrupt despite their shoddy, and possibly deceptive, lending practices. Yet, receiving that - they turn around and destroy the lives of those people who were the victims of those shoddy and (possibly) deceptive practices. The government stepped in when they were in their hour of need - but pass it down to the people who REALLY need it? Didn't happen.

    The latest thing is what banks call "dual tracking". On the one hand, a person comes to them requesting a loan modification and they get all friendly and reassuring - while taking their sweet time "reviewing" the application. Yet with the other hand - even while reviewing the loan modification request and reassuring the homeowner - they turn around and foreclose the house out from under them! This kind of deceptive, shady, double-dealing is precisely what I am talking about.

    Re: The Constitution and gun control.
    No. The Constitution is not the Word of God, and I never claimed it was.

    However, with respect to this country, it's laws, rules, policies, and practices, it might as well be God's Word, as it is the standard all else is judged by. It does not matter if I, personally, agree or disagree with gun control. It does not matter if I personally agree with racial and civil rights, state's rights, or even our freedom of speech, as the Constitution is the absolute and final voice of authority on these subjects.

    The United States is, very possibly, the only country in the world where a document, agreed upon by all, is sovereign. The only way the Unites States could ever fall is if people were able to undermine the Constitution's authority. People have tried that in the past, and people are trying it now.

    And that is precisely what I oppose.

    What say ye?


  3. Oh, and by the way. . . .

    If, at some point in the future palm-sized atom-bomb launchers, or hand-held Death Rays become common - and if enough people in this country are sufficiently concerned about them to properly and legally put through an amendment to the Constitution forbidding them, then - as I said before - whether or not I, personally, agree becomes irrelevant.

    What say ye?


  4. It does not matter if I personally believe the fact with national and municipal privileges, region's privileges, or even our independence of conversation, as the Structure is the overall and final speech of power on these topics.

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